We could not accomplish our mission without volunteers! God’s work is being accomplished because of the hands and feet of His workers. We need you and your skills/interests! Whether you have one hour a day, one hour a week, or one hour a month, we would love to connect you with a volunteer opportunity. If you have any questions about volunteering or mentoring, email volunteers@jimrileyoutreach.org.
We empower young adults aging out of foster care or facing homelessness with a safe space to heal and to build a brighter future through transitional housing, mentors and life skills.
We envision a generation of thriving young adults who are breaking the cycle of hardship as they learn to build a stable, self-sufficient life.
We want to thank you so much for serving Jim Riley Outreach! We are so appreciative of your willingness to give your time and your skills. We would not exist if it were not for groups like yourself; we are truly grateful for your support!
If you are interested in serving at one of our houses, here are some ways you can get involved:
Mentoring: We provide residents with a mentor after being in our program for 90 days. We want to give the residents the opportunity to connect with a mentor while in our program but even more importantly, have a relationship with someone that will do life with them once they leave Jim Riley Outreach. Mentors will work together with staff to encourage goal progression, foster accountability, and strengthen plans to create change. This role would be a call each week to the resident along with two outings a month outside the home.
Thursday Dinner: Every Thursday we have our Community Night or our Life Skills night. During this time the residents will cook a meal together, family style, before going on an outing or learning a skill set. We would love to have you sponsor a dinner. What that could look like is a gift card for any grocery store where we could pick up the items for those dinners that are recurring each week.
Maintenance Crew: We need help from those in the community that have “handy man” skills. We would love to have help with projects around the house along with basic house upkeep at times.
Prayer Team: We check in frequently with our residents about specific prayer needs. Each month we will send out communication to the prayer team about updates to residents’ prayer needs or as things arise send out communication. We would also love prayer for the organization, the staff, and the overall big picture for youth facing homelessness.
Party Donations: When we have a resident graduate high school, graduate from our program, graduate college, etc. we want to celebrate them. These are major milestones in their lives that we want to honor and show how proud we are as a staff, community, and organization by celebrating them. This role would be someone who wants to help organize a graduation, provide donations (materials or funds), gifts, etc.
Amazon Wish List: We are constantly updating our needs list on Amazon. These are things the houses could benefit from or currently need. We would love for you to take a look via our website or social media.
Deep Cleaning Crew: If you love to clean, we would love to have you! We would love to have a team come twice a year to each house and help us clean.
Welcome Baskets: Each resident gets a welcome basket when they come to our program. We would love to have volunteers donate items to go into a welcome basket or create a welcome basket of your own.
Room Preparation: This role is for someone who would like to come and make the room welcoming and inviting for our new residents.
Bike Repairs: We have several different types of bikes that our residents like to ride around on for leisure, to commute to work, or exercise, but we need help maintaining them. If you are great at working with bikes or know how to repair them, then this may be a perfect way you can volunteer and help our residents.
Financial Partners: We would not be where we are without our donors. We could not do what we do without our financial supporters. Whether you make a one-time gift, or want to become a monthly partner, we would love to have you! Donations can be made via our website.
For more information about any of the above opportunities, contact our Volunteer Coordinator volunteers@jimrileyoutreach.org or our Program Director brittney@jimrileyoutreach.org.